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Change Log

2025/02/22 - added pages for apps: Device Registry

  • Added page for Device Registry API showing how to run, and sample exercises to get started. The Device Registry API is a simple (basic authentication) CRUD API with Open API documentation and a Swagger UI.

2025/02/16 - added pages for apps: Tracks, Best Buy, FX Trade Hub

  • Added page for Best Buy API Playground showing how to run, and sample exercises to get started. The Best BUY API Playground is a full CRUD API with Open API documentation and a Swagger UI. The application also has a lot of data available when it starts.
  • Added page for FX Trade Hub showing how to run, and sample exercises to get started. The FX Trade Hub is a simple API with a Swagger UI. Has a lot of default data installed and is suitable for full CRUD operation testing.
  • Added page for tracks showing how to run, and sample exercises to get started. Tracks offers a Web App UI and a REST API and was the case study application used in my book Automatinc and Testing a REST API
  • Removed TODO API Sample from list of practice apps because during testing in docker the api failed to work