apichallenges > solutions > post-todos-201-max-content

How to complete the challenge POST /todos (201) max out content

How to complete the challenge POST /todos (201) max out content to successfully create a todo item in the application where the title and the description are the maximum length.

POST /todos (201) max out content

Issue a POST request to create a todo with maximum length allowed title and description fields

  • POST request will create a todo if the details are valid when using the /todos end point
  • 201 is a status code meaning that we supplied valid details and a new item was created
  • In this case we are asked to make title field and description field contents the maximum length
  • The API Documentation for the todos endpoint says that a title Maximum length allowed is 50
  • The API Documentation for the todos endpoint says that a description Maximum length allowed is 200

Basic Instructions

  • Issue a POST request to end point "/todos"
    • http://apichallenges.herokuapp.com/todos
  • The request should have an X-CHALLENGER header to track challenge completion
  • The content-type in the message should be application/json because we are sending a JSON payload
  • The Payload should have a title containing 50 characters and a description of 200 characters length.
        "title": "this title has just enough characters to validate.",
        "doneStatus": true,
        "description": "This description has just enough characters to validate because it is exactly 200 characters in length. I had to use a tool to check this - so I should have used a CounterString to be absolutely sure."
  • The response status code should be 201 because the request is valid and the todo item created
  • The body of the response will be the todo details
  "errorMessages": [
    "Failed Validation: Maximum allowable length exceeded for title - maximum allowed is 50"


  • when testing for field lengths CounterString tools can be useful to generate strings of the exact length required
  • a 201 response usually has a Location header with a URL which we could GET to see the created item

Example Request

> POST /todos HTTP/1.1
> Host: apichallenges.herokuapp.com
> User-Agent: rest-client
> X-CHALLENGER: x-challenger-guid
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 116

|     {
|       "title": "this title has just enough characters to validate.",
|       "doneStatus": true,
|       "description": "This description has just enough characters to validate because it is exactly 200 characters in length. I had to use a tool to check this - so I should have used a CounterString to be absolutely sure."
|     }

Example Response

< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Connection: close
< Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:23:12 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Location:	/todos/11
< X-Challenger: x-challenger-guid
< Server: Jetty(9.4.z-SNAPSHOT)
< Via: 1.1 vegur

Returned body:

  "id": 11,
  "title": "this title has just enough characters to validate.",
  "doneStatus": true,
  "description": "This description has just enough characters to validate because it is exactly 200 characters in length. I had to use a tool to check this - so I should have used a CounterString to be absolutely sure."